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21 bytes removed ,  7 months ago
(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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# Keep nicknames appropriate. Make sure your nickname is a reasonable length. Only use colors in your nickname. The use of formatting symbols, ASCII characters, and the color black (in Minecraft) are not allowed because they make nicknames difficult to read. Do not use nicknames to impersonate other players or staff.
You can contact Zaphara at any time on Discord (Zaphara#2811) if you feel that you have been wrongly banned, muted, or otherwise. You can also send him mail via the Minecraft command "/mail send Zaphara <message>" or submit a ticket at the [ SoFurry Report Ticket] page.
== Join the Community ==
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:* Your Fursona - If you don't have one, you can just put n/a; our server is for furries and non-furries alike!
:* Your Gamertag(s) - You can just state your most common usernames for the games you play; we use this to make sure that you aren't a bot or spam account.
:* Once you finish the above three questions and hit Submit, a staff member will approve your application to the server as soon as possible, then you just need to go to #role-requestselect to choose what you want to see/interact with on our server.
* [ SF Main Discord] - Join us here if you aren't interested in the gaming portion of things, and just want a place to make friends and chat about similar furry interests. Just like the gaming server, you will need to answer 3 questions and await a staff approval before you can see the rest of the server, however.
* [ SoFurry Website] - Join us here if you wish to create content and upload it on a reliable, free-to-use website centered around creativity and furry fun!
We hope to see you around! If you need help with anything, feel free to contact Zaphara#2811 on Discord.
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