Vanilla Servers: Difference between revisions

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28,427 bytes added ,  1 month ago
(added connection information)
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# Do not question the words of a staff member. If you feel their ruling to be unfair or unjust please take a screenshot and notify Zyas or Zaphara.
# There are to be NO vulgar or suggestive art pieces on the server outside of their designated worlds. If they are found, they will be removed and you will be tempbanned. Repeated offenses will result in a permanent ban.
# No unfair mods. You are not permitted to use mods that give you unfair advantage. Mods that enhance client performance, modify HUD display, enhance graphics, and toggle brightness are allowed. Minimaps are also fine so long as they do not display additional information like entities, players, and cave systems. Treat other types of mods as if they are not allowed, and if you are not sure if a mod is allowed, please ask any staff member. A list of mods and the differences between plugins, mods, hacks, and cracks can be found [ Here].
# Keep nicknames appropriate. Make sure your nickname is a reasonable length. Only use colors in your nickname. The use of formatting symbols, ASCII characters, and the color black are not allowed because they make nicknames difficult to read. Do not use nicknames to impersonate other players or staff.
# Obey town rules. Player-Owned towns may have their own set of rules and guidelines. This is fine as long as they do not supersede global rules.
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To link your java and bedrock accounts on our server using commands, simply follow these steps:
# Log into your JAVA account and join SFMC Vanilla
# Run the command /linkaccount <%Gamer Tag>%, which will give you a command you must run on your bedrock account
# Log into your Bedrock account and join SFMC Vanilla
# Run the command /linkaccount <%java username>% <%code given in step 2>%
# Confirm. You will be logged out of the server from your bedrock account.
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To connect to our server using Playstation 4 or 5, simply follow the steps below:
# Launch Minecraft, and make sure to sign in with a Microsoft Account (if applicable). Keep the game open!
# Download and Launch "Minecraft Lan Proxy" (by kjetilV IT) on your android phone (Using the paid app will allow you to play for extended periods of time, however the free version will allow you to play for 10 minute intervals.)
::* Using the paid app will allow you to play for extended periods of time, however the free version will allow you to play for 10 minute intervals.
# In "server address" put "" and in "port" use 25565 then click "Start"
# On Minecraft, hit Play, then go to Friends and scroll down to the bottom until you see "Lan Games" under which SoFurry Minecraft should display.
# Connect and play!
=== Update Process ===
Our vanilla Minecraft server is always kept as up to date as possible, however there is always a gap of time between a new Minecraft release and the update on our server. This is due largely to our using plugins on the server, and we want to make sure that the user experience on our server is as smooth as possible for all players. The process we use to update our server is as follows:
# Wait for our server jar file to update to the newest version
# Upload all of our plugins and the new server jar to our test server and launch
# See which plugins do not work in the new version, and check to see if they have an update
# Wait until all plugins that are not working in the new Minecraft version are updated, then upload all updated plugins to the test server
# Do a stress test on the test server to ensure all expected plugin functions are working properly and without noticeable bugs
# Shut down the main server, back it up, download the backup to a secure backup drive and a cloud storage service
# Replace all plugins with new plugin versions
# Turn on the server, whitelist the server, and expand the world border by 1-2k block radius, then generate all the new world (takes about a week or less)
# Un-whitelist the server and let all users play!
== Getting Started ==
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# Your home must be at least 5x5x5 on the inside. This means you have to have a total house that is at least 7x7x7 blocks on the outside in order for it to be considered for a region.
# Your home must not be made out of naturally-generated materials. What this means is that you cannot have a home regioned that has only blocks that were there as a result of world generation. For example, you cannot do the following:
::*## Dig a hole in the side of a mountain, or in the ground, and have it regioned.
::*## Build a wall around a village and expect it to be regioned. For this to happen, you must change at least of half of all the buildings inside the village.
::*## Place a few chests inside a Woodland Mansion and have it regioned. This is the same as a village, you must change at least half of the original structure(s) for them to be considered for regioning.
# Your home must be made out of at least 4 different materials, excluding overly-common materials. This also means you cannot have a mixture of any of the "banned" building materials either. These materials are as follows:
::*## Cobblestone. This should go without saying, as it is one of the most plentiful material obtained by mining. Please do not expect your 7x7x7 cobblestone structure to be protected, you will be informed of the guidelines again, and asked to rebuild your home first.
::*## Dirt. This is also a no-brainer. Dirt houses, as well as being ugly, are the simplest, most effort-free home you can build, and will not qualify for a region.
::*## Sand. This material is also banned, as it is the easiest material to dig with a shovel, requiring no effort on the players part. Same with the next material:
::*## Gravel. Again, this material is too easy to dig, even if it is less common than sand/dirt.
::*## Sandstone. The only exception to this, is that you take the time to carve or smooth the sandstone in a grindstone first.
# Your home must have a ceiling, floor, walls, and some sort of entrance/exit. This means that you can have a trapdoor/door on the ceiling or wall to get into or out of your house, however you cannot just have a hole for an entrance. Your ceiling, floor, and walls must all be placed by you in order for your home to qualify for a region.
# If you are building a home below sea-level (y=62), all of the ores, save coal, copper and iron, within your proposed region must be removed before you may region the area. This can either be done via mining all the ores within your proposed region, or you may ask a mod+ to replace all the ores with stone.
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* Ability to purchase a shop plot at /warp shop.
* Ability to mine spawners with a gold pickaxe enchanted with Silk Touch and change spawner mobs with spawn eggs.
* Ability to drop an anvil on an enchantment book to split it into each individual enchantment.
=== Regular Rank ===
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* /sfregister %sfusername% - This command will allow you to link your SoFurry account to your minecraft account and automatically promote you to the SoFurry rank. When using this command, make sure that you use your SoFurry username, as it is displayed when you go to your account. For example if your user name is Manii Toro, your sf account page is, therefore when using the command you should use /sfregister manii-toro. If you try to use spaces, it will not work! This will give you a link, simply click it, log into your SoFurry account, and then run the next command:
* /sfcertify - This command should be ran after you run /sfregister and completed your registration on the main site, to verify that you have finished registration, and update your rank.
* /helpop %message% - Sends the specified message directly to the #Help channel of the sfmc discord server. This is mainly used in the event that griefers, trolls, hackers, etc are online and you need someone to hop on. This command will ping Zaphara, UrkineGlowPon3, Mattimao, and JaffaSevakordran. Other uses for this could be: users that need regions (including new users), users who lost their home location, and anything else that needs staff attention. Abuse of this command will be an immediate ban.
Along with the listed commands, Regular users have access to the creative world and the ability to purchase a shop there for 125,000Ŧ
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* Worledit Compass Teleport - This is NOT a command, however it is more a utility. This is the exact same thing as /jumpto, however instead of typing a command all you have to do is hold a compass, look at the block you want to teleport to, and right click!
== Jobs Information ==
On our server we also have jobs to help our players make money outside of the shops. This way, you can work one or more jobs that you tend to do a majority of, and make money for doing so. Each job has its own advantages and drawbacks, with various different amounts of base income received from different amounts of items mined/dug/farmed/bred/etc. To look at all the various jobs, how much they pay for each action, and to join them, you can use /jobs browse. This will open a GUI to you, showing you all the different jobs. You can also left-click on a job to view how much pay per action you get, by hovering over each of the items in the GUI. To join a job, you can either use the command /jobs join %job% or you can right-click the job in the main GUI menu. New members have the default job Miner, Regular can have 2 jobs, SF can have 3, and Donor Ranks or Staff members can have 4 total jobs. The other commands you can use are as follows:
* /jobs clearownership - This command will clear ownership of all furnaces and brewing stands you have registered.
* /jobs leave %job% - This will remove you from the specified job, and can be used by New rank users to change their job if they don't wish to be a part of Miner.
* /jobs leaveall - This command will remove you from all current jobs.
* /jobs shop - This command will open a GUI with items you can purchase with job points. You get job points as you work your job(s).
* /jobs stats - Using this command will display your current level progress in the jobs you are currently a part of.
== WorldGuard Information ==
WorldGuard is the plugin we use to protect our players' builds from potential danger from other players, explosions, etc. Once you get your first region, or are a member of another person's region, you are able to change some things about it. If you are a region's owner, you are able to add or remove an owner from the region, add or remove a member from the region, teleport to the region you own, and change flags for your region. If you are a member of a region, you can still teleport to the region, and access the items/blocks/etc inside. Region flags are a way for region owners to customize their regions. On our server, players have access to the following flags:
* Mob-spawning - This flag allows or prevents the spawning of mobs or animals in your region. Defaults to allow.
* TNT - This flag allows or prevents the use of tnt in your region. Defaults to deny.
* Ice-form - This flag allows or prevents the forming of ice in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Greeting - This flag sets a greeting message for when people enter your region. No default, keep it PG-13 unless you are in the proper world.
* Farewell - This flag sets a farewell message for when people exit your region. No default, keep it PG-13 unless you are in the proper world.
* Snow-melt - This flag allows or prevents the melting of snow in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Snow-fall - This flag allows or prevents snow to accumulate on the ground in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Ice-melt - This flag allows or prevents the melting of snow in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Chest-access - This flag allows or prevents others from accessing your chests without being a member. Defaults to deny.
* Mycelium-spread - This flag allows or prevents the natural spread of mycelium in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Mushroom-growth - This flag allows or prevents the growing of mushrooms into large mushrooms in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Use - This flag allows or prevents other players using your buttons, doors, levers, etc while not being a member of youre region. Defaults to deny.
* Interact - This flag combines both chest-access and use. Defaults to deny.
* PVP - This flag allows or prevents PvP in your region. Defaults to deny.
* Block-trampling - This flag allows or prevents the trampling of farmland in your region. Defaults to deny.
* Ride - This flag allows or prevents others to ride vehicles in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Respawn-anchors - This flag controls whether or not others can use respawn anchors in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Vehicle-place - This flag allows or prevents others from placing vehicles in your region. Defaults to deny.
* Vehicle-destroy - This flag allows or prevents others from destroying vehicles in your region. Defaults to deny.
* Lighter - This flag allows or prevents others from using flint and steel in your region. Defaults to deny.
* Item-frame-rotation - This flag allows or prevents others from rotating items in frames in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Use-anvil - This flag allows or prevents others from using anvils in your region. Defaults to deny. This flag can be blanketed with "Interact".
* Use-dripleaf - This flag allows or prevents others from using dripleaf in your region. Defaults to deny. This flag can be blanketed with "Interact".
* Deny-spawn - This flag sets which mobs are not allowed to spawn in your region, separated by commas without spaces (e.g. cow,sheep,creeper,skeleton). No default.
* Frosted-ice-melt - This flag allows or prevents frosted ice from melting in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Grass-growth - This flag allows or prevents grass from growing in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Vine-growth - This flag allows or prevents vines from growing in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Rock-growth - This flag allows or prevents rocks, such as dripstone, from growing in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Sculk-growth - This flag allows or prevents sculk from spreading in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Coral-fade - This flag allows or prevents the bleaching/death of coral in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Greeting-title - This flag sets a greeting title message for when people enter your region. No default, keep it PG-13 unless you are in the proper world. To add a subtitle, use \n as a "new line".
* Farewell-title - This flag sets a farewell title message for when people exit your region. No default, keep it PG-13 unless you are in the proper world. To add a subtitle, use \n as a "new line".
* Enderpearl - This flag allows or prevents others from using enderpearl teleports in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Chorus-fruit-teleport - This flag allows or prevents others from using chorus fruit teleports in your region. Defaults to allow.
* Pistons - This flag allows or prevents all pistons in your region from being used by any player (including yourself). Defaults to allow.
Region flags can be added by either using '''/rg i''' while standing in your region, then clicking the flags "add" section, or you can use '''/rg flag <region name> <flag> <value>''' to set it manually.
If you would like to see more information about WorldGuard, what it is and does, and other commands you may use, visit the WorldGuard Documentation page [ Here]. A few more things to think about, when making changes to your region:
* Most changes to your region can be done via standing in your region and using '''/rg i''' to bring the region info screen up in your chat box. You can click things like "add member" or "change flags" to do most of what you need to do, without needing to memorize a bunch of commands like you used to. If you want to know those commands, however, you can use the linked documentation page above to view them.
* When you add a player as an owner to your region, they have full access to every aspect of your region. This means they can change flags, add or remove players, break or place blocks, or even remove you as an owner from the region. Be careful who you trust! You can do this for them to more quickly obtain their Regular or SoFurry rank, given the following:
:* All parties put in work on the builds inside the region
:* All parties understand that other owners of the region can make devastating changes to it, including removal entirely
:* All parties must agree to allow new owners of the region, and understand that they will not be in the name of the region
* Similarly, when you add a player as a member to your region, they have the ability to change flags, break blocks, access chests, etc. Anything a member of your region does inside your region will NOT be reverted, so make sure you choose your friends wisely.
* Use of the PVP flag should be cautioned, as it invites anyone who steps foot into your region to attack or be attacked. Be wary of teleporting to other players who seem overjoyed to have you in their region, we have seen player killers do this to murder. Thankfully keep inventory is on, so they don't gain much from doing so, however your experience levels will be lost as is normal.
* The mob-spawning flag prevents all mobs from spawning inside your region, including animals you are attempting to breed. It is advised that if you don't want to have mobs spawning in your region, but want an animal farm, to have your farm built and ready, with at least two of each animal in every pen, then ask a staff member to make your farm a child region inside your main region. Then you can set your farm to have mob-spawning allowed, so that you can breed animals in your farm, but nothing can spawn inside your home.
== Custom Recipes ==
SoFurry Minecraft has a ton of custom scripts, recipes, and commands that make the entire online experience much more enjoyable and user friendly. Below is a collection of custom recipes that make things much easier for everyone, as well as add items back to the game that may have been removed. Keep in mind that these recipes are also located on our old [ sandbox wiki] on the minecraft wiki, but we decided to do our best to port as much of it as we could just in case the sandbox is deleted. We couldn't quite import all of the Minecraft Wiki templates and pages, however, so we had to take still images for these recipes.
=== Crafting Recipes ===
Many of these crafting recipes are inspired by modded minecraft, and were added for additional functionality and versatility.
{| class=wikitable
! Recipe Name
! Ingredients
! scope="col" style="width: 325px;" | Recipe
! Description
|Easy Concrete Crafting||Any Concrete Powder (8) + Ice Block||[[File:Concrete crafting.png]]||Combine any 8 concrete powders with a block of ice to get 8 of the corresponding color concrete- no water required!
|Wool Color Change||Any Wool (8) + Any Dye||[[File:Wool color change.png]]||Combine any 8 wool with a dye of your choice to get 8 of the corresponding color wool.
|Terracotta Color Change||Any Terracotta (8) + Any Dye||[[File:Terracotta color change.png]]||Combine any 8 terracotta with a dye of your choice to get 8 of the corresponding color terracotta.
|Terracotta Color Removal||Any Terracotta (8) + Ice Block||[[File:Terracotta color removal.png]]||Combine any 8 colored terracotta with a block of ice to get 8 terracotta.
|Concrete Color Change||Any Concrete (8) + Any Dye||[[File:Concrete color change.png]]||Combine any 8 concrete with a dye of your choice to get 8 of the corresponding color concrete.
|Concrete Powder Color Change||Any Concrete Powder (8) + Any Dye||[[File:Concrete powder color change.png]]||Combine any 8 concrete powder with a dye of your choice to get 8 of the corresponding color concrete powder.
|Bed Color Change||Any Bed + Any Dye||[[File:Bed color change.png]]||Combine any bed with a dye of your choice to get a bed of the corresponding color.
|Carpet Color Change||Any Carpet (8) + Any Dye||[[File:Carpet color change.png]]||Combine any 8 carpet with a dye of your choice to get 8 of the corresponding color carpet.
|Stained Glass Color Change||Any Stained Glass (8) + Any Dye||[[File:Stained glass color change.png]]||Combine any 8 stained glass with a dye of your choice to get 8 of the corresponding color stained glass.
|Stained Glass Color Removal||Any Stained Glass (8) + Ice Block||[[File:Stained glass color removal.png]]||Combine any 8 stained glass with a block of ice to get 8 glass.
|Stained Glass Pane Color Change||Any Stained Glass Pane (8) + Any Dye||[[File:Stained glass pane color change.png]]||Combine any 8 stained glass panes with a dye of your choice to get 8 of the corresponding color stained glass panes.
|Stained Glass Pane Color Removal||Any Stained Glass Pane (8) + Ice Block||[[File:Stained glass pane color removal.png]]||Combine any 8 stained glass panes with a block of ice to get 8 glass panes.
|Charcoal Blocks||Charcoal (9)||[[File:Charcoal block.png]]||Craft charcoal into coal blocks for easier storage.
|Craftable Dragon Egg||Beacon (2) + Obsidian (6) + Block of Emerald||[[File:Craftable dragon egg.png]]||Craft a dragon egg out of rare or hard to obtain items.
|Craftable Notch Apple||Block of Emerald (8) + Golden Apple||[[File:Craftable notch apple.png]]||The Notch Apple makes a return at the request of many players! Surround a golden apple with emerald blocks!
|Craftable Leather||Rotten Flesh (4)||[[File:Craftable leather.png]]||Craft leather using the salvaged flesh of your enemies.
|Packing Warped Wart to Block||Warped Roots (9)||[[File:Craftable warped wart block.png]]|Craft warped wart blocks using warped roots.
|Packing Bones to Blocks||Bone (9)||[[File:Packing bones to blocks.png]]||Craft 9 bones into 3 bone blocks.
|Water Bucket Crafting||Bucket + Ice Block||[[File:Water bucket crafting.png]]||Craft a water bucket from buckets using ice.
|Easier Dispensers||Dropper + Bow||[[File:Easier dispenser.png]]||Craft a dispenser from a bow and a dropper.
|Unpacking Packed Ice||Packed Ice||[[File:Unpacking ice.png]]||Craft a packed ice block back into 9 ice.
|Unpacking Warped Wart Blocks||Warped Wart Block||[[File:Unpacking warped wart.png]]||Craft a warped wart block back into 9 warped roots.
|Unpacking Nether Wart Blocks||Nether Wart Block||[[File:Unpacking nether wart.png]]||Craft a nether wart block back into 9 nether wart.
Other, simple crafting recipes are below in a more simple table. These are shaped recipes; if a recipe says it requires 9, it is one item in every crafting slot. Otherwise, it is using the normal recipe, but substituting the alternate material.
{| class=wikitable
! Name
! Ingredients
! Output
|Alternate Stone (Andesite)||Andesite (9)||Stone (9)
|Alternate Stone (Diorite)||Diorite (9)||Stone (9)
|Alternate Stone (Granite)||Granite (9)||Stone (9)
|Alternate Stone Button (Andesite)||Andesite||Stone Button
|Alternate Stone Button (Diorite)||Diorite||Stone Button
|Alternate Stone Button (Granite)||Granite||Stone Button
|Alternate Furnace (Andesite)||Andesite (8)||Furnace
|Alternate Furnace (Diorite)||Diorite (8)||Furnace
|Alternate Furnace (Granite)||Granite (8)||Furnace
|Honeycomb Recycling||Honeycomb Block||Honeycomb (3)
|Shulker Recycling||Undyed Shulker Box + Ender Pearl||Shulker Shell (2)
=== Blast Furnace Recipes ===
These are a collection of blast furnace recipes to enhance the quality of life on the server. These will not have images due to the simplicity of the recipes.
{| class=wikitable
! Name
! Ingredients
! Output
|Leather From Flesh||Rotten Flesh||Leather
|Sand Blasting||Sand||Glass
|Red Sand Blasting||Red Sand||Glass
|Stone Blasting||Cobblestone||Stone
|Smooth Stone Blasting||Stone||Smooth Stone
=== Stone Cutter Recipes ===
This is a collection of stone cutter recipes to add some wanted features. These are simple, and do not require images to convey them, so they will be in a normal table.
{| class=wikitable
! Name
! Ingredients
! Output
|Alternate Cobblestone||Stone||Cobblestone
|Alternate Cobbled Deeplsate||Deepslate||Cobbled Deepslate
|Alternate Chiseled Deepslate||Deepslate||Chiseled Deeplsate
|Alternate Cobbled Deeplsate Slab||Deepslate||Cobbled Deepslate Slab (2)
|Alternate Cobbled Deepslate Stairs||Deepslate||Cobbled Deepslate Stairs (1)
|Alternate Cobbled Deepslate Wall||Deepslate||Cobbled Deepslate Wall (1)
|Alternate Deepslate Brick Slab||Deepslate||Deepslate Brick Slab (2)
|Alternate Deepslate Brick Wall||Deepslate||Deepslate Brick Wall (1)
|Alternate Deepslate Bricks||Deepslate||Deepslate Bricks
|Alternate Deepslate Tile Slab||Deepslate||Deepslate Tile Slab (2)
|Alternate Deepslate Tile Wall||Deepslate||Deepslate Tile Wall (1)
|Alternate Deepslate Tiles||Deepslate||Deepslate Tiles
|Alternate Polished Deepslate||Deepslate||Polished Deepslate
|Alternate Polished Deepslate Slab||Deepslate||Polished Deepslate Slab (2)
|Alternate Polished Deepslate Stairs||Deepslate||Polished Deepslate Stairs (1)
|Alternate Polished Deepslate Wall||Deepslate||Polished Deepslate Wall (1)
|Brick Recycling||Bricks||Brick (3)
|Nether Brick Recycling||Nether Bricks||Nether Brick (3)
|Red Nether Brick Recycling||Red Nether Bricks||Red Nether Brick (3)
|Prismarine Recycling||Prismarine Bricks||Prismarine Shard (7)
|Prismarine Recycling||Prismarine||Prismarine Shard (3)
== Other Custom Information ==
Along with custom crafting recipes, SoFurry Minecraft has a large amount of custom commands and other functions that help to make the minecraft experience better and easier to use. This section will go through all of these custom commands, aliases, etc.
=== Custom Commands ===
* /rt %region_name% - This command is the shortened version of the region teleport command "/rg tp %region_name%". If this command gives you issues, I would suggest using the full command. Names with underscores are usually what cause issues with this command. Our region naming scheme is always username_# where # is how many regions you currently have.
* /r %message% - This command is the short-form of "reply" to respond to a personal message you just received.
* /rs %region_name% - This is the shortened command used to set a new region teleport at the location you are standing. The full command is "/rg flag %region_name% teleport here"
* /sell %hand/all/quantity% %price% - This is a combination command that will use the input you provide to do one of three things. If you use "/sell hand" it will execute the command "/sell handall" and sell all of your held item in your inventory back to the shop. If you use "/sell all", it will execute the command "/sell all" and sell all items in your inventory that can be sold back to the shop. Finally, if you use "/sell %quantity% %price%" it will list %quantity% amount of the item you are holding for %price% amount on the server marketplace.
* /market - This is a drop-in replacement for our old market plugin we used to use. Everyone was used to running /market to open the GUI, so we just set up an alias for /pshop.
* /search %item% - This item will search the marketplace for items matching your search term.
* /prefix %text with formatting% - This command, if you unlock it with votes, will allow you to set a custom prefix.
* /svt - This command will allow you to view the users with the top votes on our server.
* /rlist - This command is short for "/rg list -p %your ign% -w %world you are in%", and will display how many regions you have in that world.
* /votes - This is a shorthand command for /votes list, to show you how many votes you currently have.
* /colors - This will display a list of colors and formatting codes in chat for you to use.
* /bctoggle - Running this command will toggle whether or not you see periodic broadcasts.
* /helpop %text% - This command is only available to Regular+ members and will send a message to all active admins on discord. Use this to announce if there is a troll attack or the like. Abuse of this command, however, will be grounds for ban.
* /features - Running this command will display a list of all custom features we have on our server.
* /ip - This command will display "" as our ip.
* /me - Custom emote command that will display in the format * Dances *
* /furry-faq - This is a custom command to send a link to an FAQ regarding the fandom.
* /donate - Running this will send you to our donation store to purchase ranks on the server.
* /map - This command will produce a link for you to view our Dynmap.
* /helpsite or /wiki - This command will link you right to this wiki from in-game.
* /trash - This command will open a double-chest sized inventory for you to put trash items into. Once you exit the inventory, they will be gone forever.
* /report - This command will link you to our Github page to report any bugs you may find while playing.
* /staffapp - Running this command will link you to our staff application
* /suggestion - This command will link you to our suggestion form.
* /recipes - Running this command will unlock all crafting recipes for your recipe book. To avoid spam, relog after.
* /rewards - This command will display our vote rewards.
* /stackitems - This command will stack all non-stacking items in your inventory. WARNING!! Don't put potions or non-stackable items into a shulker box! They will disappear!
* /measure %option% - This is a fully-custom command used to measure distances on our server. Use /measure help in-game to get a help text explaining it!
* /cart - This will give you a free minecart, to be used with our high-speed rail system which removes carts when you exit them. Note that this only applies to players leaving carts.
=== Custom Functions ===
Below is a collection of custom functions we created to make things more fun or interesting.
* If you wear an entire set of chainmail armor, you will be immune to bee stings. We called this function "Beekeeper's Suit"
* If you drop an anvil on top of an enchanted book that has multiple enchantments, it will split into individual books.
* Every time you right click an anvil in Sanctuary, it will repair it!
* Eating a Zaph Cookie, or placing a Sev Floof will have special secret effects!
* You can mine infested stone and budding amethyst with silk touch
== Adult World Information ==
This section will detail how to join and behave on our Adult/NSFW worlds that we have on our Vanilla server.
=== How to Get Whitelisted ===
To get whitelisted on the NSFW world on our vanilla server, you must first be verified here on discord. To do so, please visit the ⁠#⌠✪⌡18age-verification channel on our Discord if you have not already. Upon creating a ticket you will be asked to take a photo of yourself holding your Photo ID.
NOTE: This information is kept private between yourself and staff members. We do NOT share this information, or save it anywhere. The only requirements are that we are able to see your face in both your photo and photo ID, as well as your date of birth and your discord name written somewhere. We do NOT need your name, address, etc and those can be blacked out (preferably with something like paint). When we are finished verifying your age, we will close and then delete the ticket, wherein all that information will be gone forever.
Once we verify you are an adult, we will give you the 18+ verified rank on discord. You can choose to put in your verification ticket that you also wish to get whitelisted on the vanilla server for the nsfw world, in which case we will need your Minecraft username. If you do not state this in your ticket, or are already verified, you will need to reach out to one of the Minecraft staff, or submit a ticket under ⁠#🚨report-and-support requesting to be whitelisted to the NSFW world on the vanilla mc server. Make sure to include your Minecraft username!
After all of the above is done, we will give you a special rank on the vanilla server (assuming you are at least a regular there), and you will be able to use the command "/warp acheron" in order to access the NSFW world.
=== NSFW World Rules ===
# Keep your name and prefix (if applicable) appropriate, as it is the same between the NSFW and SFW portions of the server.
# Anything goes here, both in chat and what you build, so long as it is legal and consensual.
# You are not permitted to stream content on any platform while you are in this world. If you are found doing so, you will be removed from the NSFW world, and will not be able to return. The only exception to this is potentially on picarto, so long as your stream is marked as for adults.
# The basic vanilla rules all apply in this world, save for rule 9 (regarding vulgar or suggestive themed builds/art).
You can contact Zyas at any time on Discord (Zyas#3771) if you feel that you have been wrongly banned, muted, or otherwise. You can also send him mail via the command "/mail send BigCatZyas <message>" in-game or submit a ticket at [ SoFurry's Report Page].
=== Tips/Info ===
As stated, this world does have some things to note that are different than other worlds on SFMC. This section will elaborate on those differences.
* Until you set a bed spawn (by sleeping in a bed) in the NSFW world, every time you die you will end up in Sanctuary. This is not a bug, it is a safety feature in case something messes up, you are always default reviving in the sfw world.
* We have added the "Current World" to the TAB menu, so that you can quickly check which world you are in before you send a message you may regret into general chat by mistake.
* This world will not be visible on the dynmap, for obvious reasons. You are free to use Journeymap to discover the whole world and save a copy as an image if you choose to. If for some reason your map data is suddenly gone one day, its not! This sometimes happens when we change something on the server and it assigns a new ID to it. Log out, go to your Journeymap folder in your minecraft folder, and copy-paste the contents of the older folder into the new one, and overwrite. Log in and it should be there again!
* You will not be able to change your chat to/from global/adultchat any more. If you are in the adult world, you will only be able to chat in the adult chat, and likewise if you are in sfw spaces, you will only be able to speak in global. Users who do not have the verified group will not be able to see any messages sent to the adult chat, but if you are reading this you will be able to read global. If you wish to talk to global, you may warp back to the current sfw world, or you can use the discord bridge. You will be able to READ global at all times. You will only be able to talk in it while in sanctuary, and while in sanctuary you will NOT be able to read adultchat.
* You will have separate inventories (inventory, enderchest, etc) between the sfw, nsfw, and creative portions of the server. This is so that you can name things inappropriately if you wish, create erotica books, etc. and keep it separate from the sfw worlds.
* You will not be able to tpahere users from the sfw world unless they are also able to join the nsfw world. The same goes for tpa to you while you are in the nsfw world- players will be unable to do so unless they are either also in the nsfw world, or are capable of joining the nsfw world.
* RTP does not exist in this world, as we are not planning to fully generate the world unless there are lag issues that come up from player exploration. Please try to explore slowly into uncharted territory, so that we don't have to restrict this world.
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